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Creating Work-Life Balance When You're "Always On" Thumbnail

Creating Work-Life Balance When You're "Always On"

Work is a vital part of daily life. You get an education so that you can obtain employment which will provide you with the security you need to live throughout your life. Even though making money is one of the most important reasons to have a job or career, it is not the only factor that should be considered. Your employment should not only serve your financial needs but your emotional ones as well. 

This means that being successful in your career should involve more than the financial reward and it should never take precedence over your well being, both physical and emotional. To achieve this, you need to find a way to create a balance between your work and home life even when your job requires your attention after hours. Below are three ways to help to achieve a balanced work and home life even for careers where you are "always on."

1. Accept the Fact That There is No Perfect Balance

Even though creating a work-life balance is the goal, it is crucial to be realistic in your expectations or you may find yourself becoming more frustrated with the process or feel as though you are in some way failing yourself or your family. Most people start by coming up with a strict schedule that can incorporate everything you have to do and want to do in your day. Unfortunately, these regimented schedules often leave little time for the curveballs that life may throw at you, and when they do occur, it may cause you unnecessary stress. Instead, try and create a basic schedule with things that you have to do and things you would enjoy doing if you have time. You need to remember that a balance means creating a balance over time not necessarily every day.

2. Always Make Your Health a Priority

Always remember that achieving your goals can be difficult if your health is not up to par. This includes not only your physical health but your mental well-being too. If your job creates a lot of stress or anxiety, or you suffer from depression, addressing these issues is important, or they can lead you to the possibility of breakdowns, sleep deprivation, or other problems that can lead to physical ailments and burn out. When you suffer from physical illness, it is better to take time off to get the rest you need for your body to repair itself, or you will end up struggling with the symptoms for longer. You also should make time to get in some exercise, even if it is taking a walk or sneaking in a spin class. Remember that being healthy will also make you a more productive employee and in a better mood when you are home. 

3. Don't Be Afraid to Unplug Once in Awhile

The ability to stay connected is a great way to stay socially engaged as well as be able to complete work even when you are away from the office. Even though this ability to connect through technology is a great convenience, it can also create stress and keep your mind in work mode the entire time you are away from the office. Sometimes a short unplugged vacation can be as relaxing and refreshing as a long vacation and a great way to de-stress and refocus even if it is for a few hours. Always remember that the world continued to function before the advent of such technology and unplugging yourself once in a while is not the end of the world. If your technology is a crucial tool for your work, you can set designated times when you are off-hours and will not use or respond to your device. 

Taking time away from your work, or work-related devices, and focusing on forgotten hobbies or even relaxing and doing nothing at all is important to preventing job burnout and allowing you to recharge and revitalize so that you can be at your best when you need to be. Remember finding that work-life balance is its own journey but an extremely rewarding one once it has been achieved. 

This content is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information, and provided by Twenty Over Ten. It may not be used for the purpose of avoiding any federal tax penalties. Please consult legal or tax professionals for specific information regarding your individual situation. The opinions expressed and material provided are for general information, and should not be considered a solicitation for the purchase or sale of any security.